Seachdain na Ghaidlig 2024
We held the most fabulous traditional Ceilidh in the village hall. We had special guests Kirsteen Graham, Iona MacDonald & former pupil Darren MacLean all performing. Our wonderful inhouse choir provided some fantastic singing, then it was time to dance the rest of the night away with the ceilidh band, Skye Scrapers. Abair seadh ris a’ Ghàidhlig!!

Burns Supper 25th February 2024
Mrs MacGregor and helpers treated the whole school and sgoil araich to a wonderful traditional Burns Supper on Thursday. They addressed the Haggis, had some traditional scots songs, tunes from our wonderful Fiddler group and some traditional ceilidh dancing.

FILM G – Coming to a screen near you soon. This year’s Film G entry. We cannot wait to see it!

Collaborative Learning – Measuring
Mrs Allan & Mrs MacGregor’s classes came together recently to look at capacity and volume. They took advantage of the good weather outside and used different containers that they found for estimating and different challenges.

Remembrance Day 2022
We were delighted to have been asked by local Minister Gary Wilson to join in with the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial on Sunday 13th November. Pupils in the upper stages of the school helped to read out the names of local people that were killed in the wars.
Here is some of the beautiful artwork that children created with Miss Boddy.

EM 4-7 have continued to explore the story of Macbeth.
We have been focussing on character description, aiming to use a range of effective vocabulary and varying our sentence structures.
Here are some extracts of our work:
“Stooped around a bubbling, spitting, dirt coated cauldron a trio of crooked, knarled, hunch-backed witches muttered crackily, ‘double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble!’ The each gripped a spoon, stirring steadily and each let out a high pitched cackling sound, still propelling their spoons through the thick brew. They seemed withered and wild. Their shabby, frayed cloaks fluttered in the breeze and they started the shrill giggling, ‘tee hee, humans for dinner!”
“Three wicked witches shuffled around the cauldron, teeth black and some revolting yellow. Bulging eyes, humongous warts and spots like volcanos erupted from their old, wrinkly faces. Matted, dark hair dangled past crusty lips which cackled at their wicked spells. They act evilly, with long torn apart clothes. They are as pale as ghosts.”
“Alone in the hills three witches stood, hidden by the mist around them. Silently they brew their potion, only speaking in whispers. Slowly they mix their evil brew muttering wicked spells. The silence was broken as their potion rose into the air like a volcano, signalling the end.”

EM4-7 have been working hard in Literacy this term, learning about William Shakespeare and focusing on Macbeth.
P4 created their own spell, based on the Witches’ Spell. We generated our own rhyming words and incorporated lots of gruesome parts!
P5 and P7 have had lots of debate around who was responsible for the death of King Duncan.
Keep up the great work!

Collaborative work across the school years, to help make Autumnal Wreaths.

E4-7 have been outside estimating and measuring the age of trees in the playground. To start with, we estimated the circumference of the tree, using cm as our units, then divided by 3 for a coniferous tree (with needles) or 2 if a broadleaf tree. Next we worked out what year the tree was planted. We used measuring tapes to find the accurate circumference of the tree and then worked out a more accurate age. We compared our two answers. It was fun!

Some science fun in the EM1-3 class this week.

The children were working in groups to identify and classify different tree and plant species in the school grounds.