Latest Adverse Weather Guidance
In the event of Adverse weather and the school not being open, Miss Muir will send an email and a Seesaw message out to all parents once she has gathered the relevant local road and weather intel. Please note that the old messaging service is no longer used.
Playground Refresh Day – 2nd March 2024
It is official – we have THE BEST school community – pupils, staff, parents and wider community members all turned out on a soggy Saturday morning in March to try and bring some new life to our drab and dreary playground. There is now a lovely new bedding plant area, some flowers and wild seed has been planted, the forest area behind the sgoil araich has been gutted and cleared ready for more work. The old forest school area has been moved, the sgoil araich garden has had a refresh and the polycrub is full to bursting with new compost and potted plants & veggies. Go Team Dunvegan!
De tha dol / What’s on
Here is a wee note of important dates between now and the Christmas holidays. Please note the change in date for the Christmas Concert.
Anti-Bullying Week 2023
Blythswood Shoebox Appeal 2023
We are delighted to be taking part in the Blythswood Shoebox appeal this year. We had a lovely visit from Elma MacKay who showed us all a presentation on what happens when we give a Blythswood Shoebox at Christmas. We are asking for donations of empty shoe boxes, pre wrapped shoe boxes, items to add to the shoe boxes or fully wrapped and filled boxes – every little bit of help will make a huge difference. If all items could be in school by the end of the first week back after the October Holidays.
Eco Committee – planting & keeping the area tidy
Our Eco committee were busy planting new shrubs & trees in our woodland area around the pond. They are also great at keeping the school grounds tidy, taking part in lots of litter picking.
Children in Need 2022 – Well done to everyone for supporting this worthwhile cause.
Dunvegan Community Trust Funding
We are delighted to let you all know that we have been awarded £5,000 from Dunvegan Community Trust. This will help pay for school trips throughout the year, including the continued part payment for each P7 to go on the Raasay residential trip. The money will also be used to pay for the set up and daily use of breakfast club that we have started. We really are so grateful to DCT for this money.
We are delighted that our wonderful Parent Council are organising a Christmas Fayre this year. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Exciting news, movie afternoon on Friday 7th October – the Pupil council are raising money for new playground bins.
Please remember we are a NUT FREE school & sgoil araich
New Benches
Gregory Francis was tasked with building us some Skye weather proof benches to sit at the top of the school orchard, for the children to come and sit and enjoy watching our orchard grow for years to come. They are a fantastic addition to our wonderful playground and will be with us for years to come.
Hot Huskies Squad reward. As a reward for collecting the most Squad Points, the Hot Huskies chose to have a Pizza Party as their reward for all of their hard work. Well done everyone.
Cross Country 2022
We took part in the annual Cross country championships at Portree High School on Tuesday 31st May. A great wee day out with a fantastic bunch of children.
Sports Day 2022
We enjoyed our first ‘real’ sports day in a number of years on Tuesday 24th May. It was a great day, the sun shone and there were lots of happy faces around.
Fire Brigade Visit November 2021
We have a fantastic visit from our local Fire Crew last week, the children & staff loved it. We hope to make this an annual event. Many thanks to the crew that made it over.
STEM Day Oct 2021
Our P4-7 pupils were lucky enough to be involved in a STEM day at the Village hall, where they learned to program robots. Apparently it was ‘The Best Day Ever!’
Massive thank you to our wonderful Parent Council who put on a fantastic Halloween party for our children, its safe to say everyone had a fantastic time.
Polycrub project
Art Competition
Some of our students artwork was chosen by Mrs MacVicar, to be sent to the National Galleries of Scotland competition, don’t they look fantastic?
We enjoyed a wonderful whole school and nursery trip to Dunvegan Castle and woods this week, what a fantastic place just on our doorstep.
We took part in the Ness Book Fest on Friday 2nd October, where we had all of our school children reading for 20 minutes. There were 14,200 pupils reading simultaneously across Scotland, more than doubling last years number.
Police Visit 24th September